Yea! Canarygirl has nominated our little blog here for an Excellence Award. Now, she had a hard time making up her mind, so she nominated everyone from her blogroll. But who cares?! We'll take it! We're just so excited to receive our "first" of anything!!! lol... I'm just truly honored that she considers us a "blogger friend"!!! That means more than anything. If you haven't visited Canarygirl's blog yet - go there right now!! You won't be sorry - she has amazing recipes with awesome photos that you'll drool over!!!
Now who to nominate...
1. Bakerella - I don't know what's wrong with me (maybe something hormonal) but for the past couple of years I have not craved sweets of any kind. And I have been a serious chocoholic my whole life!!! Well, one look at Bakerella's site and my sweet tooth is coming back!!! I love her blog! I just found it about a week ago, but it's already at the top of my favs list!!!
2. All the girls over at What's For Dinner. Nothing better than a bunch of girlfriends sharing their love of food and recipes.
3. Laura, the Organizing Junkie. I get so much inspiration from Laura's site. Now if only she would make house calls!!!
1 comment:
Thanks so much for the award and your kind words! I've not heard of the other two blogs so I'll have to check those out as well.
Happy organizing,
Laura :)
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