Katherine, from Smoky Mountain Cafe, awarded me the Premio Meme Award! I'm supposed to share seven things about my personality, then pass the award and meme on to seven other bloggers for them to do the same. What a great way for us bloggers to get to know each other! How neat that someone would want to know seven things about little ol' me!!! Here goes...
1. Christ-centered - My relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my life!!!
2. Family-orientated - I love being with my husband and kids!!! They are my favorite people in the whole wide world!!!
3. Fair - I definitely have the "fair disease" as I call it!!! I always try to be fair with my kids in everything I do. The down side of this is that I want people to be "fair" with me! ;) lol... Sad to say, but most people don't suffer from this same disease!!! ;) lol...
4. Positive - I always look on the bright side of things!
5. Patient - I am very patient - which is such a good trait to have when you are dealing with four kids and their friends every day!!!
6. Punctual - I am always about 10 minutes early to everything! If I'm on time, I feel late! I really think it's inconsiderate to be late!!! I know sometimes you can't help it, but I HATE it when I'm not early!!!
7. Creative - I am definitely a creative person. My grandmother was an artist and I think I got her genes. I used to decorate cakes, I paint murals for my kids, I love to cook and bake. I also LOVE photography. I know my food blog doesn't really showcase this skill, mainly because I don't take the time to get artistic with it. I'm usually in a hurry 'cause we have 6 mouths to feed around here. Believe it or not, we have our own studio here in our house, where I photograph children (mine and others), babies, and pregnant moms! That's where my artistic side really shines through. I'm a portrait photographer - not a food photograher -- big difference!!!! I'm hoping my creative side will one day take me outdoors, because I definitely have a black thumb!!! ;) lol... One day....
This meme is being passed on to...
Tina from Mommy's Kitchen
Heidi from Tried-and-True Cooking with Heidi
Monica from Lick The Bowl Good
Teresa from A Blog About Food
Rachel from Rachel vs. "The Kitchen"
Kim from The Un-Gourmet
Chelsea from Mmm...Cafe
Thank you so much for the award, you alreaady made my day, and it's still morning. This was fun to read, I love learning new things about my fellow foodbloggers!
Thanks for the award. It really made my day :) Thank you for thanking of me.
I enjoyed learning more about you!
Congratulations on your award. I've only recently discovered your blog and from what I've seen the award is well deserved.
Thank you for the award :) I really enjoyed learning more about you!
Congrats on your award, its alwyas fun to learn new things about your fellow bloggers:)
Thank you! I love reading about you, you should definitely show off your portraits. I;m interested to see!
Thanks for the award. You are too sweet :-)
Teresa, Heidi, Rachel, Monica -- you are all soo welcome! I really love visiting your blogs - so, I can't wait to learn more about you too!!!
Mary, Thank you so much for dropping by! :o)
Thanks Katherine and Donna - even though I think I'm pretty boring!!! ;) lol...
Thanks again Kathy! I left you an award too :)
Oh, Yay!!! How exciting!!!
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