So, I know I haven't posted in like forever...but truly, it's just hard when you eat the same old stuff week after week! So, I save my posting for those really great recipes that I want to share...sorry Kathy, I know you wished we would post more often, but I just can't seem to do it...LOL! Anyway, I have a challenge...I LOVE beef enchiladas and have YET to find the perfect recipe for me and my family!! I feel like I have tried all of them...I have an awesome Chicken recipe, which is posted here, but no YOU think you have the bomb that I am looking for, please please send it to me!!! I would sooo love to try anything at this point!!
Thanks so much and God Bless!!
Cherry Danish
8 hours ago
We've made this recipe before and really liked it!!!
Thanks Kathy...I'll have to try this one! I made some beef enchiladas last night, and I have to say, they were pretty YUMMY!! We ate the leftovers today and they were THE BOMB!! I'll have to post my recipe!!! Dwayne already wants them again..haha!!
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