Well, Kathy has basically summed up the reason for the blog...so far I haven't been as active as I'd hoped I would be....I am usually very organized with my cooking and menus, but it's been crazy these past couple of weeks. There are the weeks that my hubby travels and on those weeks, it's just basically one/two good meals, then the rest of the time it's what we like to call 'YoYo' nights (your on your own)!
ABOUT US: Kathy, Tara and I lived in the same neighborhood for a couple of years before we actually became friends, they asked me to play Bunko, and I said okay, only to go to Tara's house to find out that we had a common friend, where we stood in the same wedding...HAHAHA!! The rest is HISTORY!! We are buds til the end!!
OKAY, so...I am a stay at home mom to 3 kiddos who are very active...we do year round baseball, football, 2 in soccer, softball, girl scouts, and the list goes on. BUT, I do LOVE to try new recipes, and we have the same rule as Kathy, you HAVE to try at least one bite...it works for us!
I promise to get my hands in the pot a little more this week, and add a menu, etc....until then, enjoy all the meals we have all three cooked many times for our families and are lucky to share them with you all!! Send us your fav recipes too....we love to try new things!!
Cherry Danish
9 hours ago
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